

Hi there, need any help?

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Customer Service

Our heroes are here to help you with any upraising issues, just say the word!


You got questions? Our sales team will answer them all, just get in touch!


Whether you want to be a partner or a distributor, this section is for you

Contact Customer Service

Our official working hours are from Sunday- Thursday: 7 AM- 9 PM; Saturday- Friday: 3 PM- 9PM

Send a ticket

Send a support ticket through the POS


Shoot us an e-mail at any time and from anywhere!

Call us

Contact our support agents directly


Chat with us through what's app with any questions

Contact Sales

Our sales reps work from Sunday- Thursday: 7 AM- 6 PM


Shoot us an e-mail at any time and from anywhere!

Call us

Contact our sales agents directly and get exclusive offers

Live Chat

Contact the sales reps directly through our website chat

Or simply fill out this form and we will get back to you within 24hrs!

Please provide a full Name (letters only).
Please provide a correct phone number.
Please provide a correct email address.
Please provide info.
Please write your story.
*All fields are required

Contact Business Development

Fill out this form and we will get back to you within 24 hrs

Personal Information:
Please provide a full Name (letters only).
Please provide a correct phone number.
Please provide a correct email address.
Please provide a job title (letters only).
Compnay Information:
Please provide a Company Name (letters only).
Please provide a valid website.
Please provide a Country (letters only).
Please provide a City (letters only).
Please provide the number of clients.
Please provide the years of operations.
Integration Details:
Is your solution ready?
Do you have a technical team that can do the integration?
Have you inintegrated your soultion with another POS before?
Describe your integration idea.
Please write your idea.
Describe your business model.
Please write your business model.
*All fields are required

Watch us on Youtube

Visit our youtube channel and explore our products and features and even our latest news! Learn how to use LazyWait through videos!

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